City of Vancouver (CoV) proposed Transportation Changes resulting from the Senakw Development.
Please inform yourself about the proposed changes by reviewing the Kits Point Transportation Changes Information Sheet and let COV know what you think.
March 2, 2023 – recording of COV follow up session about Kits Point Transportation, available here
February 22, 2023 – recording of COV information session on transportation changes at Kits Point available here
Some important preliminary observations about the proposed changes that will affect us all.
• NO northbound traffic on Cypress at Greer – not a noted point on diagram.
• The phased signalling at Cypress and Cornwall will produce longer queuing to exit the Point even without the increased Senakw traffic.
• The narrowing of Cypress north of Cornwall can be expected to cause further issues with access and egress from the corner strip mall, and more issues with the large trucks servicing that mall.
• These restrictions will impact Emergency Vehicle access at peak periods, and they will not have an access route north on Cypress.
• There is no comprehensive planning for how Kits Point residents will access and egress the Point and no information on how Kits Point residents and other City residents will be impacted.
• More loss of scarce street parking.
These changes and the Senakw traffic will impact not just Kits Point residents but also everyone trying to enjoy the public amenities at Kits Point. KPRA has asked for the traffic studies but have been refused.
• Responses to the CoV proposed traffic changes are posted below.
• You can leave your comments at the bottom of each article.
Vancouver City Hall withholds Senakw Transportation Documents
As previously discussed, traffic impacts of this development are a significant concern. Our residential streets…
Kits Point Traffic Update – comments from Richard (Kits Point resident)
I attended the City’s online traffic update Thursday 16 February 2023.
There were up to 170 attending, dwindling to about 135 at the close at 8:00 pm.
My overall impression of Paul Storer, Vancouver Director of Transportation was akin to a deer in the headlights. No doubt he was ordered to present this charade by his masters at City Hall.
His presentation on how the City would cope with the 6,500 units, and about 9,500 new residents abutting Burrard Bridge focused on one way streets, bike lanes, pedestrian refuge, and tree planting. A solution reminiscent of a bandaid for open heart surgery.
He remarked re parking for 650 or 850 cars, although he was not sure of the actual number. That uncertainty, plus lack of detail, and awaiting “finalized design” leads me to believe that the developers are not communicating with the City.
It would appear that the present city Council is accepting all that went before with the previous Council’s in-camera “negotiations” or more correctly “capitulation.”
The KP traffic plan proposed by the CoV:
A disaster that could be simply solved by having 1-way entrance to Senakw at Chestnut and egress at Fir and 1st Ave.
Further advantages of the above solution:
1. No changes required to any Kits Point streets (with associated cost savings).
2. Vanier Park not needed to be sacrificed for the sake of an unnecessary access road.
3. Easy and safe access by Senakw residents to Vanier Park (in that they would not have to cross a road to access the Park).
As a resident of Kits Point for many years, I appreciate and support the efforts of the City of Vancouver to regulate traffic entering Kits Point. I also appreciate its efforts to encourage the use of bicycles rather than motorized vehicles to access the neighbourhood. Yes, a number of issues about traffic patterns need to be resolved, ( Arbutus from Cornwall to Creelman as just one example), but in general, it is commendable that the City continues to recognize that traffic congestion is a growing and serious problem for both Kits Point residents and non- residents, and a problem that needs to be addressed.
The initiatives undertaken by the City are, conceptually at least, a good thing for residents of Kits Point. Motor vehicles illegally parked in areas that are permit parking only, or parked longer than the stipulated time, or illegally parked in lanes, create access and egress problems for residents. Vehicles coming in to the neighbourhood for work and deliveries can’t find legal parking, and, (often with residents’ support, because there is no other choice), park illegally in permit parking only spaces or lanes. The Senakw development may have an additional negative impact on traffic congestion, but it must be acknowledged that traffic congestion has been a growing problem for considerable time, long before Senakw.
As part of the City’s initiative to deal with traffic congestion in Kits Point, KPRA, supported by residents, should be advocating with the City for at least a 50% increase in permit parking for residents only – one permit for each resident, and 2 (number subject to discussion) guest passes for each resident, for use by guests and work vehicles.
In addition, again related to the issue of traffic congestion, City enforcement in relation to illegal parking, including timely towing, needs to be significantly increased, not just in the summer, but all year long. Lack of timely and efficient traffic enforcement contributes directly to traffic congestion. If the problem of enforcement is due to lack of human and other resources on the part of the City, this shortage alone highlights the need for the deterrent effect of an increase in permit parking in Kits Point.
A significant increase in the number of permit parking spaces in Kits Point, and effective enforcement will also encourage non- resident drivers to utilize the public parking available on Arbutus ( 2 lots), at the Maritime museum, the Planetarium, and the Vancouver Academy of Music, rather than face the risk of fines and towing.
I encourage other residents of Kits Point to contact KPRA and the City to provide their views about traffic congestion, parking permits, and regulation of traffic patterns. It is always a timely subject, and even more so now, given the City’s proposed plans concerning bike lanes and parking restrictions.
Complete money driven greed by all involved!The infrastructures will all be negative to our safety