
What is happening to Kitsilano?

With the implementation of the Broadway Plan, and now Bills 47 and 44 imposed by the NDP provincial government, a tsunami of development is coming. Big change is already starting in Kitsilano with numerous tower developments applying for rezoning or already approved. Many are between 18 and 30 storeys and located on residential streets where only single family homes, duplex or existing more affordable low rise rental apartments stand today.

There are so many issues for our Kits communities: What will all this do for housing affordability? How will it change the neighbourhoods when towers are scattered in lower density areas? What is happening with parks and infrastructure? What are the options? What can residents do about it? 

How can we save the beauty, character and texture of the Kitsilano community without this kind of tower development?  Similar density can be achieved with a different type of development.

What is KitsPlan?

Kits Plan is an amalgamation of groups that have been dealing with development in Kitsilano, working for a plan for Kitsilano made by the people of Kitsilano.  It is grass routes community engagement in the absence of any real engagement from the City of Vancouver.

KitsPlan Town Hall

The first Town Hall presented by KitsPlan and City Wall Watch was held on March 14, 2024, and was fully subscribed with many people having to be turned away at the door. A larger venue is in the planning for the next event!

See our resident report of the Town Hall, with key takeaways here.  

See the City Hall Watch report and a video of the event here:

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